کلمه جو
صفحه اصلی

washed up

تباه، کار از کار گذشته، فرسوده، از پا افتاده، بکلی تحلیل رفته، محو شده، دلسرد

انگلیسی به فارسی

بکلی تحلیل رفته، محو شده، دلسرد

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

صفت ( adjective )
(1) تعریف: (informal) no longer successful or effective; failed or finished, often after a period of earlier success.
مشابه: done for

(2) تعریف: cleaned or scrubbed.

• someone who is washed up is at the end of their career with no prospects for the future; used in informal american english.

پیشنهاد کاربران

بی مصرف

جابجا کردن با جریان اب

از کار افتادن
Has - been

از کار افتاده
Has - been

If you are washed up, you are no longer successful and you have no chance of success in the future: The tragedy of being a dancer is that you're all washed up by the time you're 35

به درد نخور، بی مصرف، ناتوان، فرسوده،

If a person or an organization is washed up they will never be successful again
به ته خط رسیدن

This is not a washed up you must keep going.
این تهش نیست تو باید ادامه بدی


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