کلمه جو
صفحه اصلی

wear out one's welcome

(به واسطه ی زیاد ماندن یا سورفتار و غیره) مهمان ناخوانده شدن، مهمان ناخوشایند شدن

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• visit too often

پیشنهاد کاربران

خود را از رو انداختن
Visit for longer than one's host wants, as in She wanted to stay another few days but feared she would wear out her welcome. This expression uses wear out in the sense of "exhaust" or "use up

: to be no longer welcome to stay in a place because one has stayed too long, been impolite, etc.
After staying for a week, she felt she had worn out her welcome

وقتی مهمان کنگر میخورد و لنگر میاندازد، صاحبخانه تمایلی به ماندنش ندارد.

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