کلمه جو
صفحه اصلی


جملات نمونه

1. ghodsi waxed on and on about his son's intelligence
قدسی مدت ها درباره ی هوش پسرش سخن سر داد.

2. his anger waxed
خشمش رو به فزونی گذاشت.

3. that country's power waxed
قدرت آن کشور زیاد شد.

4. she ate a lot and waxed fatter
او خیلی خورد و چاق تر شد.

پیشنهاد کاربران

past tense: waxed; past participle: waxed
1. موم
cover or treat ( something ) with wax or a similar substance, typically to polish or protect it.
"I washed and waxed the floor"
remove unwanted hair from ( a part of the body ) by applying wax and then peeling off the wax and hairs together.
"she waxed her legs when necessary"
2. ثبت و ضبط
make a recording of.
"he waxed a series of tracks that emphasized his lead guitar work"

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